
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Novelty Hats

Hats come in different colors, sizes and designs and are made from different materials. They are worn for different purposes. They can be used to protect our eyes and face from the elements like extreme heat and wind. Having a bad hair day? You can just wear a hat if you need to go outside to run some errands.

Some hats are used as protective headgears. They are also commonly used to make a fashion statement. They are used to complement the outfit of a person. During fashion shows, people not only look forward to seeing the clothes that are being showcased but also the hats that are being used to accentuate each look.

Hats can also be used as part of a costume for a party or a school play. One can become a wizard, a jester, or a superhero just by wearing costume hats or novelty hats.

Businesses also use hats as marketing tools. They give away hats that bear their company brand or logo to promote their products. At certain business establishments, like restaurants, employees are made to wear hats that have unique designs to attract the attention of customers.

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