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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Rodeo Carnival
Crayola Outdoor Colored Bubbles Giveaway
I was ecstatic when I found out that I was given the chance to do a review and giveaway for Crayola Outdoor Colored Bubbles. Inside the package was a Crayola Washable Colored Bubble Launcher and 3-pack Crayola Washable Colored Bubbles. So I let my daughter tried both products right after she got home from school. She was having a blast while playing with Crayola colored bubbles. It’s her first time playing with colored bubbles.
While they are messy, Outdoor Colored Bubbles are designed to clean up from most outdoor surfaces. To see how it works and cleans up, just watch the video below.
Crayola Washable Colored Bubble Launcher:
No batteries required. Just connect a bottle of colored bubbles; attach the crack handle and blow colorful bubbles. Bubbles are washable off most surfaces and non-toxic. This package contains one Bubble Launcher and two bottles of Colored Bubble Solution.
Crayola Washable Colored Bubbles come in 3 vibrant colors—Unmellow Yellow, Purple Pizzazz and Fuchsia.
Note: Colored bubbles are for OUTDOOR PLAY ONLY. Grassy and dirt areas away from houses, patios and decks are best for less mess and cleanup. NEVER use at formal events like weddings.
Are you interested in letting your little ones test these out too? Well, you're in luck because MyBlogSpark and Crayola want to give these items to one of my lucky US readers.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The product, prize pack, information, and giveaway have all been provided by Crayola through MyBlogSpark. I am disclosing this post in accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Make Your Project Successful
Galorath, Inc. can provide you with the right software that you can use for your business. They are experts in the field of software estimation. They have particular software that allows your company to prepare cost estimates on future projects. You can use it to prepare the documents you may need to present to prospective investors. The estimates that the software can produce can help investors decide whether your proposed project is profitable for everyone. Browse through their website and you will get to see the different software that will be useful for your business. This includes software on how to effectively monitor the progress of your projects and software that will help you analyze the proposed projects and assess whether a project should be rejected or if it should be prioritized by your company.
All Galorath consultants are senior professionals with broad experience in project and cost management, as well as a deep knowledge of SEER applications. This company can provide both limited engagement and “Game Changing” services in a variety of disciplines, including project estimation, design-to-cost analysis, Cost as an Independent Variable, Earned Value Management, and estimation process improvement. So what are you waiting for? You should visit them today for more details
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Thanks Hon & Akesh!
Moving Here
When we moved into our new house I don't think my husband or myself had any idea how hard it was going to be to meld our two styles together. He is much more traditional than I am and none of our furniture matched so we had to spend a lot of money just making this place look like more than a college dorm room. I know both of us are really excited to finally live together since we wanted to wait until we got married it's actually been kind of fun having conversations about things like finding a couch and whether or not we should get high speed internet at home. We've been talking in the last few weeks about whether or not we should look into getting a dog because I think it would be really good practice for us before we are ready to have children. I just love being married and even though it's a hodgepodge of sorts I'm really happy to be in our new home at last.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Stock Show & Rodeo
The Stockshow and Rodeo started last February 9th and will end on the 26th of February. It's a very long event. I was kind of hesitant on going because of the "not so good" weather, but hubby kept insisting that we should go, so we went.
There are plenty of things to do at the fair. Live entertainment, petting zoos, shows, booths, rides, and food...lots of them!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
America's Next Top Model
My wife and I love to watch TV together, but sometimes finding a show that we both want to watch is difficult. I like action oriented shows and she likes dramas and love stories. She has found a new show that she loves and it is called America's Next Top Model. This show is about a bunch of skinny girls who are trying to get on the cover of a magazine. They always have to were awful looking cloths and participate in these silly photoshoots. I think it is a ridiculous show, but wife likes it so who am I to judge her. Whenever I come home for work she is always watching it on our TV. A month ago we went and signed up for their service. I will always find something to keep myself busy until she gets done watching it. I usually try to find something manly to do like yard work or working on my truck. I love working on my truck myself, I have saved over twenty five hundred dollars in the past year by performing my own maintenance and repairs.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
Monday, February 13, 2012
Organize Your Life!
I'm Sick :(
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Miniature Model People
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
Our dog, Buddy, almost killed this cat. Glad I was there to yell at him when they were fighting. The cat won't leave away and Buddy won't stop barking. After all, cats and dogs don't get a long. |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
It's Time to Organize My Life
The internet is filled with so many wonderful photos and important information that it is sometimes hard to keep track of all the interesting things that you see online. You may be overwhelmed with all the things that you see online that you may not remember to save all of them. But what if there is a website that allows you to save every item that you find interesting online? It would sure be great to have a single place where you can save and organize your favorite items, right? Clipix is the perfect tool for those who like to have a place where all their favorite items are saved in what is called a ‘clipboard’. Create a free account with them and you can start creating clipboards where you can save everything that you see online. You can also organize them in any way you can. You can customize the settings of your clipboards and choose whether you want to share them with your friends or not. My clipboards at clipix would most likely contain interesting photos that I see online. I have always been interested in photography and I would usually browse online for interesting and unique photos. I would share my clipboards with friends who are also interested with photography and even those who appreciate great photos.
Hottest Deals at
This post brought to you by dealnews. All opinions are 100% mine.
Prices of regular commodities continue to be unpredictable that it is hard to able to stay within your budget. The amount that you have set aside for last month may no longer be suitable for the coming months. Not only because the needs of your family changes but also because the prices of the supplies that you buy changes as well. It is no wonder why most people find ways on how to stretch their budget. They scour different stores just to find quality items that are on sale. The internet is an excellent resource for those who are trying to find the best deals. One website like, customers are able to buy various items at the lowest price possible. Customers will be able to buy everything on their shopping list without spending as much money as before. Aside from offering the best deals on a variety of items, these websites also have special offers promotions and freebies to their customers. They offer the coolest and best bargains for laptop deals, computers, electronics, clothing deals, and more! If you love deals 365 days of the year then dealnews is the site for you!
Since I need a new computer, the deal that I’m interested in from is the 25" 1080p Widescreen LCD Display for only $160.00 plus FREE shipping. Have you checked this website yet? What deals do you think you are going to buy at If you never want to miss a deal on a specific product, from a specific store, or even a general category – set up an email alert. As soon as the deal is live, you’ll receive a notification email in minutes. So what are you waiting for?
Monday, February 6, 2012
Birthday Party
Sprint Sale
As a Sprint customer, I’m very satisfied with their service. I have been with them for over five years with different phone models. So far I have not had any issues with Sprint connection. One thing I like about Sprint is that they offer many different plans at more affordable prices. Plus they give discounts to USAA members and military members. That’s one reason why my husband and I chose to stay with Sprint.

Saturday, February 4, 2012
The Walgreens Prescription Savings Club
This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.
Being able to provide for the healthcare needs of your family should be a priority. This is why some people make sure that they have the right health insurance for their future medical needs. But sometimes, the insurance policy that you have does not cover all your medical needs. Your prescriptions can be too costly especially if you need different types of medicines each day. You cannot scrimp on your medicines because doing so will be harmful to your body. Walgreens confirms their commitment to providing the best health and wellness services to their customers. Walgreens Prescription Savings Club has been launched to provide its members quality and cost effective pharmacy services. A family membership of $35 a year covers everyone in your immediate family including your spouse, dependents 22 years old and younger and pets. Huge savings are offered on over 8,000 brand name and all generic medications. Discounts are also given on flu shots, nebulizers and diabetic supplies and even pet prescriptions. Members will also receive bonuses when they purchase Walgreens brand products. If you want to become a member of the club and enjoy the many benefits that it offers, you can follow Walgreens on Twitter and Walgreens on Facebook for updates.
Stop Debt Collection Harassment Today!
January | Top 10 EC Droppers
Photography by KML
my kids are my world
Small Town Mommy
The Ad Master
Digital Rebel350
Serian Man
Lenovo Enhanced Multimedia Remote
This post brought to you by Lenovo. All opinions are 100% mine.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Cowboy Boots Collection
Cowboy boots is a very common accessory in the daily wardrobe for most Texans. Here, people wear these boots rain or shine. Here's my COWBOY boots COLLECTION!
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